Cherry picker on the job at Lyndoch, as gardening staff cut

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The Cassign team installing new signage today on the Swinton Wing expansion at Lyndoch Living.

Carol Altmann – The Terrier

Well blow me down if the Cassign team was not back at Lyndoch Living today installing a huge, illuminated sign on the front of the new Swinton Wing.

Just last night, as you know, I wrote about the perceived conflict of interest between Cassign and Lyndoch chair Sue Cassidy, who is married to the owner of Cassign, David Cassidy.

I wonder if Lyndoch put this latest slice of non-essential corporate branding out to tender, because this sign is not a little A-frame at risk of blowing over in the Warrnambool wind – it needed a cherry picker and three guys to install.

We will most likely never know, because Lyndoch no longer tells the community such things.

But what I can confirm is, as flagged last night, the Lyndoch at-home gardening team is being dismissed as of late January because they are costing Lyndoch money.

These are the hard-working men and women who visit people’s homes to mow lawns, whipper snip, and edge garden beds with a skilful eye well beyond my own.

They are now dispensable to Lyndoch, even if they were indispensable to those who used the service.

The home gardening team costs Lyndoch around $100,000 a year, and so they are out.

Be gone ye faithful gardeners, Lyndoch has snazzy signs to install via a cherry picker!

I was thinking we could offer some suggestions as to where Lyndoch could whipper-snip its costs to save the gardeners, and we could start with the number of executives.

As I wrote last night, a brand new executive position has just been filled and, as it turns out, another two will be advertised in January:

– Operations Manager: Organisational Development

– Organisational Development Consultant

Good grief.

An organisational consultant to assist the organisational manager who reports to another manager, who reports to the CEO…

At last count, Lyndoch had around 60 administrative staff.

The good people of Seymour know all about top-heavy administration, which unfolded at their hospital some years ago, and was one of several upsets challenged by the local community that led to a complete upheaval in 2012.

The CEO of Lyndoch was the CEO of Seymour Health at the time.

Lyndoch also sponsors the Grand Annual Steeplechase horse race, which was ostensibly in the hope that such advertising would help sell the waterfront apartments.

It didn’t work.

The last of these apartments was flogged off recently in a fire sale for $100,000 less than the listed price in 2014.

Lyndoch also hosts a corporate marquee for three days at the May Racing Carnival – at a cost of around $40,000 –  and would have done so again this year had it not been for Covid-19.

And yet the gardening staff are being cut.

We see what is happening here. We all see it. And we are not looking away.

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2 thoughts on “Cherry picker on the job at Lyndoch, as gardening staff cut”

  1. I had the misfortune of listening to a phone interview on 3YB between Denis Napthine and yours truly from Lyndoch this morning. The questions were so pathetic it left no doubt they written by DP herself and forwarded in advance to DN to mouth off.
    He started the interview by saying he knew nothing about Lyndoch but ended the interview congratulating her.
    It seems the local media are just puppets to the advertising $ ,and they wonder why their revenue is falling, I could tell them for free about cause and effect ..

  2. The new Lyndoch gardener sure must hate trees and shrubs, even the front entry hasn’t escaped the concrete makeover, way to go to make the residents outdoor garden areas unusable and uninviting .
    As for signage, the screen at the front entry is a dreadfully big waste of residents money, it looks pixilated and horrendous ,the list of directors hasn’t been updated(and how about adding their contact details) ,earlier in the year there were resident charter of rights on the walls inside some areas of the building, now vanished.

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