WCC ignores public opinion and pushes to break rate cap

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The Terrier – Carol Altmann

LAST DRINKS: Tonight (25/2/19) the W’Bool City Council voted 5/2 to try and raise rates above the cap because we are apparently in deep financial do-do.

It is just three months since W’bool City Council CEO Bruce Anson retired – he spent 11 years at the helm, passing each performance review with flying colours, and earning a salary package that toward the end was close to $320,000 a year.

You earn this kind of money for a reason – to keep the ship in shape.

We are now being told we can’t afford to renew our infrastructure, basic things like bridges and footpaths. We are being told we might need to cut services, because we are ‘aspirational’ and want things like a new library and a better sports oval.

There has been so, so much waste and it has happened on Mr Anson’s watch.

Loud applause to Cr Peter Hulin and Mayor Tony Herbert for voting against this rate rise, in favour of a forensic audit of council spending and costs.

An audit is so long overdue.

I hope the Essential Services Commission – which has to approve the rate rise above the cap – sends this strong message to the council too: you can’t keep asking ratepayers for more, when you have wasted so much along the way.

The time for reckoning has come.

The Terrier is taking a closer look at how we went from budget stability to a budget emergency. It is a slog through some pretty dry data, but worth it. Stay tuned for updates.