[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://the-terrier.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/vault3.jpg[/author_image]Welcome to The Vault – this is where Bluestone will place all sorts of subscriber-access-only material, including information on local politics that should be in the public domain, but isn’t. It is a place where you can also have a look behind the scenes of Bluestone, including our Freedom of Information applications, some email exchanges (where appropriate and when dealing with official spokespeople, not our private sources) and anything else we think you might find interesting. If you have something you would like to submit, please email us at editor@bluestonemagazine.com.au[author_info][/author_info] [/author]
This email exchange between Bluestone and the Warrnambool City Council relates to our piece on the $178,000 cost of upgrading the changerooms at the Warrnambool pool (Aquazone), which included retiling, replacing mirrors and toilet partitions:
Is it correct that:
1. The cost of the tiling and associated works in the male and female changerooms has escalated from $120,000 to more than $180,000?
If so, what is now the expected cost of these works?
(See story from Nov 2014 which refers to $120,000 project: http://www.standard.net.au/
No. The contract awarded to (name removed by Bluestone) last year was $178,000 for stages 1 and 2.
(Figure provided to Standard a year ago is likely to have referred to an earlier estimate)
2. Has the contractor had to go back and repair or change work in the male changerooms already completed as part of the contract?
Yes. Some rework on the male changerooms was carried out and work deferred on stage 2 until this was completed.
3. Who is the contractor completing this work?
(name removed by Bluestone)
4. When is the project expected to be completed?
Stage 2 will be completed by the end of November.
Hello Carol,
The contract was always $178,000.
I can’t recall the explanation for the $120,000 quoted at the time but it is likely that it was either an old figure or it might have related to a component of the project eg cost of materials or cost of labour, or it could have been me not reading correctly my scrawled notes.
My mistake, shouldn’t have responded to the question at the time without double checking but the reporter at the time had said the story was focused on addressing concerns around the inconvenience of the temporary changerooms, not about the cost of the project.
The figure in the Standard story is wrong but it was not the fault of the reporter.
Hello Carol,
Final settlement has yet to be made with the contractor and won’t be until the project is completed and our engineers are satisfied with the work.
What a great job Bluestone has done in following the money on the pool changerooms refurbishment! However, I am curious as to what the other quotes for the work were, just for comparison. Were there any? Are they available to the public?
Also astounded that the councillors would not discuss the simple solution to the diving pool problem, and considered lowering the 3 m board, as other councils have done. Is this a sign of the times – meeting procedures, that old fashioned stuff, topics of faded, dusty BOOKS on the shelves of local librarys, forgotten and ignored, despite also being available now for the enthusiastic researcher through Google. When followed correctly, these procedures provide a safe forum for the rational exchange and discussion of ideas, without fear of personal reprisal – one of the fundamental, and significant foundations of our democractic governance.
The old adage “if we don’t use it we loose it” must be working overtime at the City’s Council meetings.