Terrier titbits: the marquee folds and toilets running slow

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Two Terrier titbits …and a question.

Titbit #1. For the first time in a decade or more, there will be no W’bool City Council corporate marquee at the May Races tomorrow. The WCC – finally – has seen the hypocrisy in popping open the champagne trackside while asking ratepayers for more money to fund the footpaths.

Titbit #2: Work on the $387,000 Taj Mahal of toilets being built at Swan Reserve – with that enormous, ski slope roof – appears to have come to a grinding halt, but no, the WCC says work is continuing, although the April deadline for opening was obviously not met.

The toilets are now scheduled to be ready in June.

The delay, the WCC says, is mainly due to a delay in the supply of a perforated screen. I am not sure what the screen is for, but, in the meantime, the old toilets are still open if you feel the urge.

And a question: I had a reader contact me today to say there are no normal buses running in Warrnambool tomorrow because all of the buses will be used for the races and the ‘race loops’.

I can’t confirm this at this hour of the night, but does anybody out there know if this is correct?

Surely not. But then again…..

Update: Yes, it was true – there was no public transport in Warrnambool for Thursday, 3 May, unless you were going to the races. I can’t imagine this happening anywhere else. Does it? Watch this space for more information on this decision. #yourtaxesatwork