Carol Altmann – The Terrier
Even South West MP Roma Britnell can’t get straight answers from the Lyndoch Living board.
The board has given short shrift to Ms Britnell’s recent questions about its blanket rejection of 115 membership applications from the community.
Its fulsome response to Ms Britnell was, wait for it, that it was “acting within the Lyndoch constitution.
End of conversation.
Ms Britnell was told nothing more.
At least the board is even handed when it comes to answering questions: it ignores everyone.
Ms Britnell, like the rest of us, learned nothing about why the applications were rejected, the criteria used, or the process followed.
We can only surmise, therefore, that there was no process or selection criteria.
It doesn’t matter that Ms Britnell, a State MP and our elected representative, was asking questions on behalf of her local constituents.
She was given zero from the board that, in theory, is also supposed to represent the community.
So if Ms Britnell can’t get an answer, what hope does someone like Warrnambool resident Margy Jackson have?
Margy, a retired school teacher, recently wrote to Lyndoch chair Sue Cassidy expressing her concerns about Lyndoch and the cutting out of the community.
Margy has had no response.
Former Deakin Professor James Dunbar and retired naval officer Jim Burke wrote to the board some months ago expressing their concerns about the viability of the $22m medical clinic being built at Lyndoch.
They have had no response.
It appears that the current board of seven volunteers – Ms Cassidy, Kane Grant, Andrew Paton, Kerry Nelson, Prof Rob Wallis, Lorraine Mielnik and Ron Page – has decided they are answerable only to themselves and the CEO.
Have they lost sight of who built and supported Lyndoch for so many decades?
Why else would the board agree to turn its back on their own community?
And why would these remaining board members (Percy Eccles and Suzanne Coulson quit earlier this year) want to be a part of such a closed shop?
Only they can answer that question.
I don’t expect any answers soon, but with Lyndoch’s staff and residential care – its core business – suffering under the board’s watch, the questions will only keep coming.
They may have a connection with the state Government given the level of arrogance displayed by both. How’s the Government going at the moment?