Coup against W’bool City Council CEO gathers pace

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Carol Altmann – The Terrier


Well, it’s on.

After the deathly quiet of yesterday, following Monday night’s W’bool City council meeting, this special – and confidential – meeting next Monday is being called for just one reason:

the CEO Peter Schneider’s head is on the chopping block.

Crs Neoh, Gaston, Owen and Cassidy have decided that 18 months is long enough for him to work out the train wreck he inherited after a decade of non-action on bullying, falling staff morale and a string of financial screw ups.

Whatever you think of the new CEO’s performance, he is about to become the fall guy in a big power play. He will take the rap.

When I first wrote about this looming coup in February, I gave the CEO six months.

Bing! Time’s up. Oh my, this is going to be ugly, expensive and a true shit fight.

What a pity it will also happen entirely behind the scenes: some things never change.