Carol Altmann – The Terrier
Apologies for the delayed post about the unveiling of Lyndoch’s newest board member, biologist Prof Rob Wallis, which was reported in the local paper on Wednesday and announced to staff yesterday (Thursday).
Prof Wallis, we now know, was approached (by someone) last September to join Lyndoch as a member and board member, which has proven to be harder than getting into the Freemasons.
But Prof Wallis made the cut and accepted the post in February. (ASIC was notified on 2 March.)
Prof Wallis already knows at least a couple of the faces on the board well – W’bool City Councillor Sue Cassidy and City Growth manager Andrew Paton – as he chairs the council’s Audit and Risk Committee.
Cr Cassidy is on that committee which is now looking into the council’s credit card usage.
You might recall that one of the transactions which sparked some interest was a $700 dinner at Myrtle Bar & Grill, attended by Mr Paton and Cr Cassidy and paid for with Mr Paton’s corporate credit card.
Ah, the tangled web….
But back to Prof Wallis. He told the paper he has been immersing himself in all things Lyndoch, which must mean:
a) he is reading The Terrier very closely and;
b) he has inquired into the status and results of the independent staff survey held a couple of months ago. What did it say? How did it turn out? Have the full results gone to the board yet?
I wait with bated breath to see what changes or influence Prof Wallis might bring.
Actions speak far louder than cheap words, I will wait to see some action ,if any .