WCC candidate Steve Moore chats with The Terrier

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What three main skills could you bring to the Warrnambool City Council as a councillor?

Common sense approach – keep it simple.

Passion to follow through, to ensure things get done!

I will ensure I am accessible to our residents & voters alike, to hear their suggestions/idea’s to take our city forward.

Do you see any particular issues, projects or problems in Warrnambool that you would like to work on as a councillor?

I would like to see the completion of an enclosed harbour.

I would like to see more events bought to our city, and have them spread throughout the year, to entice tourism during the city’s quieter times (avoiding the peak tourists times when the town is already buzzing).

Parking costs in the CBD are one of the main factors keeping locals away from the centre of our city – I want to see some form of free timed parking to be put in place, to bring money back to the local shops and this will require detailed consultation with all residents & business owners.

Disabled parking is another challenge – there just isn’t enough.

Do you think the council could be more “open” with residents and if so, how?

Continue with the live streaming of all council meetings

“Coffee & cake” after each council meeting – for all council meeting attendees & councillors, so that informal conversations/ideas can be discussed

The next 12 months are going to be challenging due to the impact of Covid-19 – do you have one or two key idea/s for how WCC could support residents and/or businesses?

Freeze the proposed rate increase

Free off-street parking in CBD, at least till the end of 2021 – then to be revised, with the hope this will fill the empty shop fronts

Do you have any ideas on where the council could cut costs, if necessary, to keep rates at the state cap?

Removal of seaweed from our beaches – this could be turned into garden compost & resold or repurposed for use on council land, Botanical Gardens etc

Consider the future CEO wage to be based on a performance basis – thus if he/she meets their KPI (key performance indicators) then a pay rise occurs…..

Preferences will decide who is elected to the council. Are you planning to preference most highly new candidates, exisiting candidates or you won’t be putting forward preferences:

New candidates only.

If you were elected, what ways – if any – would you keep residents and ratepayers informed as an individual councillor?

I will be able via phone, email & happy to make appointments for community members to come and sit with me to discuss their idea’s etc.

If the elected councillors, wish to nominate a central location, where it is “manned” on a regular basis, with councillors, then I am more than happy to participate.

If you were elected, what would you have liked to have achieved at the end of your four-year term?

An enclosed boat harbour – either under construction or completed.

More crowd drawing events to the city, all year round.

More, All Inclusive & All Ability, playground equipment and beach access options.

Less empty shop fronts throughout our city.

To see more tourists coming off the GOR for overnight stays.

Are you a member of any political party? If so, which one?


In the past two years, have you been a member of any local club, organisation or association?

I was an active member of the Warrnambool Tourism Association – until it was disbanded. I am also a member of the local fishing club WDAC & Warrnambool Ratepayers Association. My tourism business is a financial member of the GORRT Board.

Closing thoughts or ask and answer your own question here:

I would like to see an annual survey for the community to complete, to provide council with their idea’s & suggestions on what other ways, we can improve our city.

You can find Steve’s candidate Facebook page here.