WCC candidate Angie Paspaliaris chats with The Terrier

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What three main skills could you bring to the Warrnambool City Council as a councillor?

Familiarity with process and procedure – I have been attending all monthly open council meetings for the last three years in the public gallery.

Assessing the information and ask questions of finances, reports and projects – I have been asking public questions almost monthly, requesting written responses about issues that have otherwise been overlooked or that appear inconsistent.

Business skills – I own a small business so have skills in managing a budget, promotion and advertising, communication, making difficult but effective financial decisions in a timely manner for long-term success.

Do you see any particular issues, projects or problems in Warrnambool that you would like to work on as a councillor?

Creating a more trusting, constructive relationship between Council and the community. I will try and win the trust back of the people, and in doing so, improve respect for the Council, and improve the morale of Council employees.

Manage the Council Plan and Budget better, with the prioritising of projects and infrastructure we need ahead of projects we simply want.

Resolving major parking issues, dangerous intersections and pedestrian treatments.

Consider and plan for the infrastructure and projects our neighbourhoods need (North Warrnambool, Allansford, Dennington, Bushfield, Woodford).

Strongly advocate for better transport infrastructure – major roads and train services.

Innovation and action for Flagstaff Hill and harbour development.

Facilitate better activities and events for teenagers, not much for them to engage with outside sporting clubs.

Do you think the council could be more “open” with residents and if so, how?


Reassess the consultation process – rethink or reconfigure the ‘Have Your Say’ link on WCC website (and the WCC website in general), or use it in conjunction with other means of genuine consultation pathways (ie. open forums or written correspondence).

Providing an Annual Business Plan and Budget Summary pamphlet with every new financial year’s rates notice (commonly done by most South Australian Councils).

General business to return to open Council meetings, and the opportunity for residents to stand up and ask their question in person.

No meals and alcohol provided after Council meetings for Councillor and officers. Invite members in the public gallery tea/coffee and biscuits to stay for further informal discussions with councillors and directors after meetings.

The next 12 months is going to be challenging due to the impact of Covid-19 – do you have one or two key idea/s for how WCC could support residents and/or businesses?

Covid’s impact will be here for an extended period, but even before Covid hit, Council was in a dire financial situation.

Council must freeze rates.

Council must defer some unnecessary projects – I believe this is unavoidable as we aim to get back on track with our finances.

Council must provide innovation and ideas for the promotion of Warrnambool as a Victorian holiday destination, as it appears interstate and international travel will be restricted for some time yet.

Council must provide appeal for city-dwellers looking for a sea-change (TV and radio advertising like other regional centres commonly do).

Do you have any ideas on where the council could cut costs, if necessary, to keep rates at the state cap?

Find savings in halting or deferring some projects – perfectly serviceable amenities may need refurbishment, not reconstruction (eg. McGennan’s carpark toilet block proposal).

Assess staffing numbers and wage costs, including management positions.

Stop borrowing money for projects – if we can’t afford them right now, then plan for them to be done steadily and sensibly in future.

Preferences will decide who is elected to the council. Are you planning to preference most highly new candidates, exisiting candidates or you won’t be putting forward preferences:

I will preference new candidates most highly.

If you were elected, what ways – if any – would you keep residents and ratepayers informed as an individual councillor?

I plan to keep a personal Facebook page to continue updating the community on dates and times for monthly open Council meetings, and announcing plans/projects/decisions, and inviting feedback whenever possible.

I also plan to reach out to traders via email when necessary – something that has never been offered to me as a business owner over the last 7 years.

If you were elected, what would you have liked to have achieved at the end of your four-year term?

Community trusting Council once again – a respectful and positive relationship achieved with transparent decision-making and better communication.

Council budget and finances back on track.

Bring back a profitable children’s winter festival, and annual events planned for teenagers.

Harbour development – a major tourism attraction.

Flagstaff Hill revitalisation – ensure plans to change Flagstaff Hill mean that both locals and tourists will use this facility in future.

Community projects funded and completed for outlying areas of Warrnambool (Allansford, Woodford, Dennington, Bushfield).

Are you a member of any political party? If so, which one?

Not a member of any political party, and never have been.

In the past two years, have you been a member of any local club, organisation or association?

Member and sponsor of Warrnambool Lawn Tennis Club, Warrnambool Racing Club.

Committee member at Young Professionals Warrnambool.

Member and treasurer of Warrnambool Ratepayers’ Association.

Director at South West Community Foundation.

You can find Angie’s candidate Facebook page here.

Angie’s preference list is below:

1 thought on “WCC candidate Angie Paspaliaris chats with The Terrier”

  1. NO Warrnambool City Council Candidate that stands for any Local Council should have any affiliation with any Political Party as a few that are standing for the Warrnambool Council Elections are
    And Why are a few Trying to Tell us who & what order to vote for
    To Me,both of these Issues are Extremely important & I will note Vote for anybody who shows this Lack of Quality
    I also will not Vote for any of the So called existing Councillors that Voted to Sack the CEO
    To me,regardless if the CEO was doing wrong or not up to expedations,The Councillors Should have at Least offered the CEO to Resign
    the Reason being,How could this CEO expect to Find a Job after being Sacked
    I feel sorry for the CEO (wrong move my the 4 Councillors) & I hope the 4 Councillors in Question Do NOT GET RE ELECTED

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