The lighter side of teaching

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Author, teacher, speaker and all-round motivator of kids, Matt Porter.

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] A [/dropcap]nyone who has worked as a relief teacher in a primary school – or remembers their own relief teachers – will know that a sense of humour usually goes a long way in trying to control the classroom.

This week, Michaelie Clark from Warrnambool Books has selected a new book by a dynamic local teacher who has used the ‘relief teacher’ theme for this third successful book aimed at children…

“Local primary school teacher Matt Porter has put his skills and experience – and sense of humour – to extra good use: not only does he educate and inspire the kids in his Warrnambool classroom, he also encourages literacy and entertains children all around the country with his Crazy Relief Teacher series.

The recently released third book, Mr Jackpot and the Stash of Cash, continues the story of the first two books, Mr Sergeant and the Dodgeballs of Doom and Ms Law and the Corn-fusing Case of the Broken Window, where the students of Outback Creek Primary find themselves with yet another strange (and possibly deranged) relief teacher.

Funny and imaginative, the books truly connect with and engage junior readers – and may even impart a few well-disguised lessons along the way.”

Crazy Relief Teachers - Mr Jackpot

You can find Matt’s website at

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