Tea trees gone, but pavement still rising….

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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://the-terrier.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/vault3.jpg[/author_image]Welcome to The Vault – this is where Bluestone will place all sorts of subscriber-access-only material. If you have something you would like to submit, please email us at editor@bluestonemagazine.com.au[author_info][/author_info] [/author]

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #A02F2F;”]F[/dropcap]ears of public liability was given as one reason for the Warrnambool City Council’s decision to chainsaw out a row of old tea tree from Pertobe Road. (See the story here).

Meanwhile, the roots of these two plane trees have lifted up sections of pavement in the Timor St council carpark, opposite the permit parking for the Archie Graham seniors’ centre and heading toward the walkway for Heatherlie Homes for the aged.

These sections of walkway, as of yesterday, remained open and unmarked.

pavement tree

tree pavement carpark


2 thoughts on “Tea trees gone, but pavement still rising….”

  1. Hi Carol and Louise
    I’m sure that I will not be alone in commending you both for your fearless reporting and tenacity in chasing down the rationale and truth behind topical issues.
    When an entity such as a local council puffs itself up full of self righteous importance, a downfall may not be too far away.
    Warrnambool City Council would not be the first in Victoria to be sacked by the Premier.

  2. Hi Carol and Louise,

    A great article, which once more exposes the arrogance of Warrnambool Council in its dealings with the public. While I have only lived in Warrnambool for a bit over two years, I have already witnessed a number of instances where this arrogance surfaced.
    Thank you for continuing to expose the Council in your articles. Genuine independent journalism is rare nowadays, and well appreciated by those few of us who can still think without being spoon fed by the mass media.

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