Hello, it is Barney Bluestone here (one of the two Bluestone cocker spaniels).
Normally the two-legged people in the household write these introductions to Bookmarks, but this week it is my turn because it is a book about DOGS!
Most people think that dogs don’t like to read and that only cats read (especially newspapers; cats just LOVE newspapers), but where do you think the term dog-eared pages came from?
That’s right – from us dogs trying to turn the pages with our big old paws.
But I digress.
This is a wonderful book: it is full of gorgeous dogs and their stories. I am giving it four-paws.
Michaelie Clark from Warrnambool Books will now tell you why it is almost certain to be a best seller:
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #A02F2F;”] A [/dropcap]ward-winning Australian photographer, Andrew Chapman, has teamed up with fellow photographer, Melanie Faith Dove, to create Working Dogs, a spectacular tribute to the cleverest and most colourful canine characters of the countryside.
The book features unique and captivating photographs of man’s best friend, both hard at work and in more playful moments, with accompanying snippets of text to provide background and complement the atmosphere of the photos.
While focused mainly on Smithfields, Koolies, Heelers, Kelpies and Collies, the book also includes a section dedicated to ‘The Wannabes’ – the Pugs, Jack Russells and other small or ‘funny looking’ dogs on the farming frontline, who are no less important or enthusiastic in their endeavours, but who contribute more to light relief than the serious business of making a living on the land (though they may think otherwise at times).
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #A02F2F;”] A [/dropcap]s with Chapman’s Woolsheds and Around the Sheds, the photographs have been taken in various locations around the country, including several areas in South-West Victoria, such as Bushfield, Merino, Darlington, Port Fairy and Casterton.
(I am inspired! I think I may have to pen a book called “Work? Work? A cocker spaniel guide to doing nothing and getting away with it”. – Barney).
Please visit Warrnambool Books on Facebook for regular updates on new releases.