Our second quiet hero

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[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #8F9F59;”]B[/dropcap]eing sick in hospital is usually terrible and rarely does the outside world look more inviting, or more glorious, than when viewed behind the glass of a medical ward window.

It is a bit the same with nursing homes and even though we are fortunate in South-West Victoria to have some great aged care homes, they are not places we are rushing to get into.

This is where musician Gary Price comes in. Gary, and those like him, are the wandering minstrels of our modern age. He brings music into the lives of those who need it most: the sick, the aged, the young school kids who are still finding their way.

I had reason to be visiting South West Healthcare recently and walked past a room where Gary was playing guitar and singing to a young woman who looked very ill indeed. Yet she was, for a moment, transported from that illness as she leaned forward in her chair, smiling and mesmerised by Gary’s voice.

A week later, Gary wandered in to the hospital room of my older brother, Glenn, who has Down’s syndrome, and sang a song about chicken which had Glenn laughing and smiling for the first time that day.

And when I visit my mother at Lyndoch, Gary is often there: cracking jokes and playing his electric piano as he rolls back the years for his audience.

Music lifts hearts and it is for this reason that Gary Price, who makes a lot of music, is our second quiet hero.

Bluestone Magazine is donating a voucher for coffee and cake to each of our quiet heroes. This week it will be at Pavilion Cafe and Bar, Warrnambool.

[box type=”bio”] Do you know somebody in South-West Victoria who is worthy of recognition as a quiet hero? If so, let us know via email – in 150 words or less, plus a photo – and we will consider them for our weekly column. Email us at editor@bluestonemagazine.com.au[/box]

Logo Smile newsletterWho are our other quiet heroes?…


The artist

The face behind Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Embracing diversity




3 thoughts on “Our second quiet hero”

  1. Great genes from the Prices and Fortunas, Gary and Julie’s son Matt is also a terrific musician. Google “Brighthouse” and have a look.

  2. What a wonderful contribution Gary is making to so many people in need. If I were sick in hospital, that is exactly what I would want – keep up the good work Gary!

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