Is this the smallest violin you have seen?

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[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] T [/dropcap]his tiny violin was carved from either ivory or bone or something similar and was made by my late uncle, Ron Goodall, more than 50 years ago.

He lived in the former piano shop at 222 Timor St – featured this week in Places/My Place – and would use pieces of old piano and other materials to make this folk art.

It is in four separate parts, including a miniature scroll top, that have been glued together and finished with four ‘cat gut’ violin strings.

The piece was originally displayed on the end of a toothpick attached to a cork and kept in a glass vial.

I doubt it has played a note, but it is one of my most treasured possessions.

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3 thoughts on “Is this the smallest violin you have seen?”

  1. Wow, that’s beautiful! I’ve actually made two tiny violins, one from Sculpey and one from (mainly) balsa wood but the detail on this one is perfect, I’m in awe! 😀

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