Christmas stories for any age

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[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #A02F2F;”] C [/dropcap]hristmas is a wonderful excuse, if you need one, to enjoy some timeless children’s Christmas books.

As Michaelie Clark, from Warrnambool Books, says, Christmas stories make the festive season special, whether they are told through Christmas carols, films or (most importantly!) books.

From the plethora of children’s Christmas books available, Warrnambool Books has chosen their top five, which they adore for their traditional or unique splendour and sense of magic.

And if you don’t have a child young enough to share them with, perhaps consider buying and donating a children’s Christmas book to a charity such as Bethany.

The Warrnambool Books’ top five:


The Jolly Christmas Postman, by Allan and Janet Ahlberg

A Christmas twist on the classic picture book which follows the Jolly Postman’s journey as he delivers Christmas correspondence to favourite nursery rhyme and fairy tale characters. The book includes real post items for children to open, such as a jigsaw puzzle for Humpty Dumpty and a Christmas card for Baby Bear.




wombat coverChristmas Wombat, by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley

A great Aussie Christmas story in board book format, perfect for toddlers. Mothball the wombat gets into mischief and provides a unique view of the silly season from the perspective of a very special creature.




gingerbreadGingerbread Friends, by Jan Brett

The star of this year’s iconic Myer window display in Melbourne, this sweet story sees the Gingerbread Baby take his rooster-drawn sleigh into town in a quest to find friends. Includes a large, pop-out illustration at the end of the book.




Aussie-jingle-bellsAussie Jingle Bells, by Colin Buchanan and Nick Bland

The ultimate Aussie Christmas song in book format with accompanying CD. Join the family in the rusty Holden ute as they head off to spend the day swimming and playing cricket with the rellies.




A Christmas CarolA Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens and Lee Krutop

This beautifully illustrated abridged pop-up version of the classic Christmas tale by Dickens would make the perfect bedtime story during the festive season.




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