A quiet hero who flies like an eagle

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julie eagles alice ugle

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #DC943C;”] T [/dropcap]wo very inspiring and uplifting things have happened around Warrnambool in the past few weeks and a woman by the name of Julie Eagles has been at the centre of both.

Julie, pictured left, with Alice Ugle, was one of the key organisers of the hugely successful 150th anniversary celebrations of the Framlingham Aboriginal Reserve that last month saw hundreds of people enjoy a day of Koori culture, history and pride in a community that is only 30km from Warrnambool, but which many people had never visited before.

The anniversary event changed all that and Julie, together with Alice and the rest of the organising team, artists, musicians, volunteers and supporters, created something very special that people are still talking about – and hope is repeated, if perhaps on a smaller scale.

Running alongside the Framlingham event has been Julie’s ongoing volunteer work as a community campaigner to save Warrnambool’s heritage, including the Fletcher Jones silver ball and the best of the former factory site.

[dropcap style=”color: #dc943c;”] J [/dropcap]ulie, as part of the Warrnambool Planning and Heritage Group and more recently the Save the Silverball and Fletcher Jones Gardens group, has lobbied for more than two years to see positive steps taken toward saving this site and, last week, it was finally sold to a developer who, it appears, is sympathetic to its heritage.

At the very least, Julie has been pivotal in ensuring the heritage aspects of the FJ site are now front and centre of the public discussion and many eyes are watching to see what unfolds: quite an achievement after 10 years of buck-passing over the landmark.

To be an agitator in a regional city is not easy, but Julie manages to educate, motivate and empower people toward taking a stand by stating the simple facts and offering alternative ideas.

For this, and her sheer determination to keep fighting, she is our Quiet Hero.

[box] Julie will receive a coffee and cake voucher from Rocksalt, Port Fairy, and we have another coffee and cake voucher for Alice Ugle from The Pavilion, Warrnambool. Thankyou to Rocksalt (Bronwyn and Sarah) and The Pavilion (Mary-Ellen and Jon) for supporting our quiet heroes.[/box]






[box type=”bio”] If you know somebody who you think is deserving of a Quiet Hero, please email us at editor@bluestonemagazine.com.au[/box]

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3 thoughts on “A quiet hero who flies like an eagle”

  1. Geez thanks Bluestone – Carol and Louise – you gals are the stars! Bit overwhelmed really – I mean you know I’m just having a go….. this past month has been pretty amazing – some very magical bits – Fram and the wonderful new FJs owner and the Silver Ball Film Festival…… Just now I uploaded my movie – Last Man in the Ball – from the Silver Ball Film Festival to youtube – you can see it here…….. http://youtu.be/O5MWDlsL-rw …..
    it’s my first ever movie and it was chosen to be shown in the replica silver ball in the ozone lane way as part of the festival – I was pretty chuffed even if the DVD player broke down and it only ran once! …..AND I’ve never been to Rocksalt – so that’s another new (magical?) experience to look forward to.
    Really thanks very much…. some people would say I’m not very quiet……or very heroic….. I mean you know I’m just having a go….. 🙂 Thanks xx

  2. couldn’t be more deserved. I have been thinking these last weeks what wonderful work Julie has done and with such a lovely spirit. well done

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