Carol Altmann – The Terrier
Is this our next Mayor? Could Cr Peter Sycopoulis be on the brink of doing a Bradbury?*
Since rejoining the W’bool City Council in March on the back of preferences redistributed after the resignation of Cr Peter Hulin, Cr Sycopoulis is having something of a dream run.
He was among those who argued for years to have council meetings live-streamed.
“Too hard!” they cried.
He was also among those who argued for extended free parking in the CBD.
“No way!” they cried.
Both were considered unthinkable, until the unthinkable happened with the C-19 virus. The last (special) council meeting was live-streamed, without incident, at which free parking in the CBD until the end of June was agreed to unanimously.
Cr Sycopoulis was shaking his head at the irony.
And now Cr Sycopoulis is, in my view, the only person left standing for the role of Mayor, should it become vacant in the very near future – as it should – due to the mounting pressure on Mayor Tony Herbert to step aside.
Cr Sycopoulis and I, politically, are miles apart, but I admire his community spirit and his working class roots and there is no doubt he has a deep care for Warrnambool.
Cr Sue Cassidy is champing at the bit for the role, of course, having been subjected to what Cr Herbert so eloquently described as a “c..t act” last year when she thought she had the numbers, then didn’t.
She still doesn’t, in fact with Cr Hulin’s departure, Cr Cassidy has one less.
I once thought Cr Cassidy would be a reasonable choice for the job, but having watched closely what has unfolded at Lyndoch Living – where Cr Cassidy is on the board – in response to ongoing claims of terrible bullying and intimidation against staff, and the shutting out of the community, I no longer hold that view.
Crs Mike Neoh, Kylie Gaston and Robert Anderson….recycle, recycle…
Cr David Owen would be in contention, but for health issues that are far more important, which leaves Cr Peter “Bradbury” Sycopoulis, skating past the finish line.
Who would have thought? But then nothing is unthinkable in these times and with Cr Herbert now on thin ice, Cr Sycopoulis could well be leading our city for the next six months until the election.
* Australian speed skater Steven Bradbury won an unlikely gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics after all of the other competitors fell before the finish line.